Monday, May 14, 2012

Taking Things for Granted

There are many things in life people take for granted- Your health, family members, sunny days,….here is my short list of the things I’ve taken for granted lately.

(1) Hilton Hotels. Last week I brought Nellie on the road with me, so I had to stay at a ‘pet friendly’ hotel. As most people know, ’pet friendly’ hotels are either dumps or 5 star hotel. Last week, it was beyond a dump. Luckily this week, I have the privilege to stay at a Hilton hotel. The smell of clean sheets, vacuumed floors, a toilet that flushes, and cookies at check-in reminded me how thankful I am to be a Hilton diamond member. I will never again complain about any hotel-as I highly doubt I’ll ever find a hotel worst than last week.

(2)Stilettos- Not to brag, but I have a pretty extensive shoe collection consisting primarily of stilettos. For the past 3 months, I have been wearing either a big black boot, tennis shoes, or heinous flats. Whoever invented flats must have been severely disoriented. They serve no purpose- The only people that wear flats are either (a) freakishly tall (b) too uncoordinated to wear heals or (3) have a broken foot. Any other reason to wear flats is unacceptable. I guess I’ve always taken for granted a non-broken foot. I look forward to the day where I can put on normal shoes, walk around making the perfect click-clank, and throw away the 2 pairs of flats I own.

(3) My mother- I don’t get to see my mom very often- she is usually jet setting around the country either golfing in exotic location, attending a Board meeting, or attempting to locate my father. With that said, I miss the days of seeing her everyday, eating her boring dinners, and getting a play-by-play of her golf game. While I probably only listened to about 20% of what she said, I took for granted her optimistic, carefree personality constantly around.

(4) A clean house. I love cleaning; the smell of Clorox, the noise of the vacuum cleaner, and folding laundry makes me happy. My house hasn’t been the same since Scott and Nellie moved in. First, Scott is your basic Ogre who either breaks or spills something on a daily basis. And Nellie is your basic Ogre’s sidekick, who sheds and love to chew up anything that will fit in her mouth. I took for granted my perfectly organized home and I look forward to the day when the Ogre and his sidekick have a man cave to disappear in.

I hope my 5 followers can learn from my mistakes- learn to not take the simple things in life for granted. You never know when the things you expect are no longer available.

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