Saturday, August 10, 2013

Passing the Time

Time is going too fast for comfort.  Luke is already 6 weeks old.  How in the world is that even possible?  I feel like if I take my eyes off him, he’ll be going into preschool! 

Mom came to visit this past week- for an entire week- the longest she’s ever visited!  It was wonderful- she did all the night time feedings so Scott and I could sleep.  In fact, it was beyond wonderful…Its going to take while for me to get use to not having her around- but thankfully, Mimi (Lisa) lives right around the corner and loves to night time babysit too!!  Gosh, when I think about how fortunate Luke is to have such grandparents it brings a tear to my eye. 

Thanks Mom for the help!!
This week (Week 5) Luke started to make consistent eye contact and is very curious about the world around him. He just discovered the monkeys flying over his head in the swing and gets a shocked look on his face whenever he notices them.  We measured him at about 23 inches and 10lbs. 

During my time at home with Luke, I’ve learned quite a bit of useless information.  I now know all the anchors on The Today Show and Good Morning America, daily lineup on TLC, and I know all the neighbor’s morning walking schedules.  Useless. Very useless.

In other exciting news, Susan Church and George got married this weekend in Sea Island!!! Mom was still kinda hoping they would get married on their next trip to Big Sky! Hahaha.  They are both such wonderful people, and together I know they will have many years of happiness! 
Scott as a newborn
Like father, like son

He got his lips from his daddy

My little family

1 comment:

  1. love all of the pictures! i can't believe how fast he's growing!
