Friday, August 23, 2013

Happy Bday Scott!

Happy 29th Birthday Scott!!  #YoureOneYearAwayFromOLD  yea, that’s right- He’s (almost) old.  We had a nice little family bday party that included going to Scott’s favorite restaurant, Outback, (its all about the bloomin’ onion) and back to the house to open gifts.  Of course I made him a bday cake in the shape of “29”…. every year I try to out do myself with his cake.  I believe last year I made him a golf cake.  I’m already brainstorming what his 30th bday cake will be….maybe in the shape of a rock, since he’ll be that old.
29 cake.
i'm so sneaky- I put trick candles on the cake! hahaha

Anywhoooo…Everything is going well here in the Farris household.  Mr. Luke is still adorable and is growing about a pound every week.  His 2-month bday is just around the corner.  If I were a betting person, I’d bet that he would be 15 lbs at his 2-month doctor appointment.  What a chunker!  Sarah, his cousin, is currently the family’s chunky baby…but she better watch her back- Luke is on a rollllll
The resident chunker...LOVE HER!!!!

He is starting to smile, although he hasn’t figured out how to use both smile muscles at the same time- so when he does smile, it’s sided/lopsided- melts my heart. 

I’ve learned so much lately- like how to feed a kid, pump, and eat lunch at the same time.  However, the most important thing I’ve learned is that I’m not as smart as I thought….yeaaaaa…sounds funny- but all those little bits of advice that people gave me while I was pregnant- you know, the silly stupid little tid bits….yea- well 99% of them are right.  I wish I would have written them all down.  At the time I got annoyed with all the ‘word-of-wisdom’….but now, I realize that I have no wisdom, therefore, I should start listening when people try to help.  I told Ann this, this morning, she goes “its taken you 27 years to figure that out” (in her bossy, big-sister voice).  I guess it could be worse, I could have never figured it out.

This weekend is going to be a busy one. I’ve got the Jr. League new member retreat on Saturday morning, my BFF Taylor and her hubby are in town for a wedding, so we’re hanging out, and the Bell Center Tailgate cookoff is this weekend too!  I love being busy!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend-and when the old lady behind you in the checkout line at walmart starts to talk to you and tells you how to make a baby sleep through the night, listen.
My sweet family

The Bham family

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