Monday, June 18, 2012


Ever since the vacation, Scott and I have been going a million miles a minute!  Scott has been studying for the NAPLEX, which he’ll be taking in a few weeks, and I have been catching up at work and unpacking.  Every since I’ve known Scott, he has been a student.  Somehow throughout this entire time, I’ve never seen him study until now, which makes me think that this NAPLEX thing is a pretty be deal.  Apparently it’s a 300 question test of everything you learned in your 4-years of pharmacy school.  How crazy is that?  If someone tried to test me on everything I learned in my 4-year undergrad classes, I would have failed before the test even started!  So, a HUGE good luck to him- I’m already just so proud of everything he’s done!

In other news, my foot surgery will be this Wednesday!  It was originally pushed back for 2 weeks because the doctor got sick.  What kind of doctor gets sick?  Exactly.  I guess we all forget that doctors don’t walk on water and they too, are human and get sick.  I can’t wait to wear my fancy shoes again and for my mom to come visit!! 

The thought of not being able to work out for 2-3 weeks makes my head spin.  I cannot think of any one time in my life where I’ve gone over 3 or 4 days without workout.  The gym is my stress reliever.  Our Crossfit coach, Clint, said he could find some workouts I can do while sitting down-sounds like a Silver Sneaker workout-I’d rather not.  Speaking of CrossFit, my beloved coworker, Scott Hercules, did what people dream of…he quite his corporate job (OCC) and went with his passion.  He is now a CrossFit and Endurance Coach at CrossFit Inertia in Jacksonville, FL.  I know he absolutely loves his new life-training for triathlons, CrossFit competitions, and talking about food all day…I’m jealous.  Check him out (he even does online coaching! )

Lastly, sweet baby William has Pink Eye.  I’m not sure who’s to blame for this dirty infection---being around 100 kids at daycare, or his mother, Ann??  Since William is the most loved kid at school, I know no one would do this to him; therefore, his dirty mother is to blame.  Sickening.  First, she puts William in Jesus sandals and/or Crocs, and then she gives him a Lloyd Christmas hair cut, and now Pink Eye.  I’m pretty sure Child Protection Services will make Ann give William up until she cleans up her act.  Luckily, I’m his Godmother and I would be more than happy to take him-and never give him back.   


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