Throughout my time with the OCC, I’ve seen and heard some very unique things. This week, the job took me to Corinth, Mississippi. Never heard of it? Of course not. That’s because it is in the middle of nowhere. While I’ve traveled to much smaller towns, this town is quite unique. Last night, while entertaining myself at Wal-Mart, I saw my first male reverse mullet. Never knew they even existed for men until then. The most famous reverse mullet is supermom/D-Lister Kate Gosselin. She made it famous, but quickly realized that all of America was making fun of her. Now she has longer hair, thanks to extensions, that brings her back to normal-minus the fact she has 10 kids.
The next unique thing I saw in this town is store called “Ginger’s” that sell used, unwanted clothes. As I drove by, I couldn’t help but take a second look, while almost driving off the road from laughing so hard. Such a great name for a store like that!
I’m so excited to have another 3 day weekend! Scott told me that tomorrow night (Friday) we are going to see this new Navy Seal movie called “ Act of Valor”. As I’m sure y’all know, Scott is fascinated with the Special Forces. “Fascinated” might not be the correct word-it’s more like a love affair, obsession, and passion for the Special Forces. I don’t mind it one bit. It could be much worse. He could be obsessed with gas mileage, not running the air conditioning in the summer, boxed wine, recycling, and saving the world like my father.
One more exciting this…..It’s my nephew’s 2nd Birthday on Saturday!! Happy Birthday William!!!