Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Happy 9-month Birthday

Party people in the house! Its time to celebrate my 9-month Birthday! This was the best month of my life!

Doing my Birthday Dance!
Mom and Dad decided to ditch me at Mimi’s for 10-days while they went to some place called Paradise.  They packed 2 massive suitcases, tons of sunscreen, and left in the middle of the night.  For a while, I thought my dream of living with Mimi came true, until we FaceTimed and mom said she’d see me soon.  Living with Mimi, even though it was just temporary, was what I call Paradise.  I got to sleep in, never had to cry to be fed, had afternoon naps on Papoose’s lap, listened to the birds chirp in the morning, and got to tear up her house and I never got in trouble!  Sadly, it all came to an end…now its back to the daily grid of being in charge of waking up the house at 5am, putting the toys back on the floor and spitting out my dinner.

This is their "paradise"
This is my "Paradise"
I also got my FIRST TOOTH!! It’s the coolest thing ever.  Its on my bottom gum, is white and very sharp.  I’ve really been able to destroy some toys with it- I can’t even imagine what its going to be like when I have two or four or a mouth full of teeth! I hope they look like Nellie’s teeth.

Table surfing in my Hawaiian gear from Uncle Jim & Aunt Cyndy

Speaking of Nellie, she turned 3-years old this month! She got to eat two dog bones and played at the dog park the next day.   This month I also went on my first swing set, ate my first cracker, and I can now drink from a sippy cup!  Booooyeaaa. Aint no baby here.

My big sister. We almost look like twins
In other news, I’m excited about the weather warming up.  Mom promised me to take me the YMCA pool and teach me to swim.  But, I’m really going to scope out the new girl babies in town- with my new arm muscles from crawling and pulling up, I’m sure to score a playdate.

Hope everyone had their one little piece of paradise last month.  Next month is going to be pretty major too- Maybe I'll learn to walk???

I’ll stay cute,

My friend, Reeves, we like to chill on chairs together

first a bath, then they combed my hair. not ok. 

Sleeping on Mimi. Dreaming of sweet potatos