Monday, January 14, 2013

Our 1st Anniversary!

Happy 1st Anniversary to us!!! I’m still in disbelieve that its been a year.  I think mainly because its gone by so fast.  We have had so much fun together that I guess time just flies by.  When I think back over the year and all the wonderful memories, excitement, and experiences we’ve had together, I can’t help but get excited about our future.  I am so honored to be Scott’s wife and everyday I like to think I get better and better at being a wife.  But I shouldn’t kid myself , on our 50th anniversary I’ll probably be saying the same thing. Hahaha.

We have so many monumental moments from the past year- honeymoon to Big Sky, an outrageous trip to Italy, attempting to cook dinner and Scott eating some nasty food, raising our wild baby-Nellie- who has doggy ADHD, Scott graduating and getting his job, dragging Scott to the mall constantly, working out together…the list could go on and on, but out of all our memories, my favorite is the morning I showed Scott the pregnancy test.  I took the test at around 6am (can’t sleep in) and it came up positive. So I checked it 100 times, and I was still pretty sure it said positive.  So I woke Scott up and asked him “What does this say?”.  He shot up in the bed, sat upright and his eyes got very big and he said “You’re pregnant!!!”  I’ll never forget that moment and I’m so excited about our future together and raising a family.

I am blessed to have Scott as my husband and I can’t wait to watch him be a father.  We had a wonderful anniversary weekend full of surprises- we even ate the year-old cake top.  It wasn’t too bad- Mom even saved the sugar flowers!! 

Thank you Scott for a wonderful 1st year of marriage.  I look forward to the many, many more years to come! LOVE YOU!

Before dinner

The beautiful sugar flowers

Year-old cake. Yum.