Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Rain, Sleep, and Blogs

I love rainy days.  Does anyone remember the song “I’m Only Happy When It Rains” by Garbage?  Totally like 15 years ago.  Whenever it rains, I think of that song.  A bit random, I know. 

Any who…. So, lately I’ve been having a hard time sleeping- not that any of y’all care- but between pain in my foot/leg/hip/back and Scott rolling all night, I’m pretty much Sleepless in Birmingham.  My solutions: (1) get a new mattress (2) get a king size bed (3) take pain medicine before I sleep or (4) drink Nyquil.  I’m thinking a mixture of  #3 or #4 would be the best solution.

So out of boredom I decided to read some random blogs of people I don’t know.  This is what I’ve learned.
·         People are boring, incredibly boring.
·         Most “active” blogs are either about someone getting married, having a baby, obsessed with an animal, or that random weirdo who likes to blog about nothing at all (like myself)
·         A lot of blogs are like Pinterest, but with words
·         There is this thing lately where bloggers fill out a questionnaire to get more followers…not sure what that’s  all about.
·         The blogs with custom-made banners are normally the most active. 

I don’t think my finding will solve world peace, but it’s a start.

On a side note my beloved coworker, Beth, will be moving to greener pastures in 2 weeks.  While I’ll miss her perfectly put together outfits, talking about Brittany Spears and baby names, and dreaming of planning kids’ parties together, I know her decision to leave is the right one.  But don’t you worry people, she has a fabulous blog- full of Pinterest pictures, a custom made banner, make up, fashion, and all things southern:  http://ourmillerhighlife.blogspot.com/

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