Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What I'm Loving on Wednesday

(1)   My hubby’s new hair cut!  Last night he asked me to buzz his head, which I’ve only done one other time.  So we go outside and set to Jane’s Salon and I start buzzing away with clipper #2.  Quickly, Scott asked what buzzer I’m using, and informed me that we normally use clipper #5, which gives a much longer cut.  Whoops.  Good thing hair grows back (in most cases at least)!

(2)   My shins.  Today at IronTribe, we did max weight for overhead squats.  On one of the last rounds, I failed and dropped the weight, only to realize I didn’t drop it correctly and the 95lb bar landed straight on my shins and scraped them all the way down.  Whoop (again).  Of course, I pretended to be a badass and that it didn’t hurt.

(3)   Turtles.  On my way to work, I pass an apartment complex that has a pond out front.  One of the turtles from the pond attempted to cross the road; unfortunately, I didn’t see it and ran over it with both tires.  I felt so bad, especially when I looked in my rearview mirror and saw turtle guts everywhere.

(4)   Tampa!  Scott and I leave on Thursday for our favorite mini-vacation location, Tampa!  We will be celebrating Mother’s Day, going to a Rays game, giving William his gifts (which includes Pez dispenser, 500 water balloons, and this stuff that turns bath water into gew), cookout with friends, Derby party, and of course shopping!

(5)   My job!  I can’t really say I’m ‘loving’ my job- but I guess it’s more of ‘liking’ my job.  Why?  Because it allows me to take leave for wedding/honeymoon (3 weeks), another 3-week vacation coming up, work from home for 2 weeks during my foot surgery, another week vacation for Susan’s wedding, and another long vacation for Christmas and thanksgiving all in 2012.  That’s pretty ballar.  And I’ll still have 200 hours of annual leave after all these long vacations!  I believe that is a pretty good reason to be liking my job!

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