Friday, February 17, 2012


While the rest of my family and friends are skiing in Big Sky, Montana for the annual Presidents Day Ski Trip, Scott and I will be staying in Birmingham.  The whole gang (Mom, Dad, Uncle Jim, Aunt Cyndy, Ann, John William, Susan Church, George (Susan’s new fiancĂ©), Scott Helpling (coworker),Susan Fox, Jeffery Musser (john’s little bro) and his girlfriend) is up in Big Sky, enjoying the fresh powpow, drinking PBRs, and trying to keep up with Phil.  Scott and I decided to skip this year’s vacation since we were just up in Big Sky for our honeymoon about a month ago-which must I add was a-m-a-z-i-n-g. 

What I’m missing most about Big Sky is skiing with my dad.  Phil is an extreme skier.  Although he’s not your average extreme skier that jumps out of helicopters or hikes for 5 hours to get the freshest snow, but the type of extreme skier that gets 1st lift every morning, only stops to go pee in the trees, knows all the back-country runs, and considers his day a complete failure if he comes home before 4pm.  And to top it off, he always has a granola bar to give me when I’m hungry.

The new person on the Big Sky trip is our coworker Scott Helpling.  He (use to) work with Ann (Ann now as a new job starting next Monday).  I hope someone pulls a good rookie joke on him, like we attempted to do to Scott last year.  Scott Helpling, who also answers to the name “Scottie 2 Naughty, is our first snowboarder friend.  Yes, its true, the Neidhardt family has opened their ski condo to a snowboarder.  Times have changed.  Our last encounter with a snowboarder was when one ran into Ann in Gatlinburg in the early 1990s.  Phil swore from that time on, that all snowboarders are gangster, rule-breaking punks.  Which, 2 Naughty may or may not fall into that category.

So, on this lovely 3 day weekend, Scott and I plan to have date night, which includes Scott cooking me a paleo dinner (which is a 1st), and going to see some action movie he has been dying to see. 

Oh and one more very exciting thing that happened this week…drum roll…Susan Church got engaged! Whaaawhoooo!! Not only is the engagement ring absolutely stunning (think Princess Diana ballar) but now I can finally do the same thing she did to me on my bachelorette party …it went a little like this “get back in the club Jane!! We are noooooottttt leaving” everything went downhill after that.

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